OLD LANSDOWNE ROAD West Didsbury Register your interest > STYLE & DISTINCTION Properties of HIGHEST QUALITY Fitted to the As standard

At Whitworth Street Developments, we do things a little differently.

That’s possibly because we look at things a little differently too.

For example, when we go looking for a property to develop, we don’t aim for the quickest, most profitable project.
That’s just not us.

We look for properties with character and history, in locations we’d like to live in. And then we make them into homes you’ll want to live in too.

We don’t believe that one size fits all and we don’t believe in cutting corners.

All the materials we use, from our reclaimed floorboards and quartz kitchen worktops, to our light fittings and even doorknobs, have to be of the highest quality. Items we’d want to live with forever. And every single piece is chosen to perfectly complement the property it will become a part of and to last as long as that building will stand.

It’s not every property developer’s way, but it’s the Whitworth Street way.

We think you’ll appreciate it.

@wearewhitworth on instagram

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“This is Manchester. We do things differently here”
Anthony H. Wilson


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